So, in case you encounter an issue with a more recent version, just go to the history section and download the previous one. NOTE: Upgrading to a new version is just a matter of having the new executable at the same location as the old one, they should be compatible. Press the big button at the bottom right to start the serverĪt this point the tool will automatically install and update SteamCMD, which will then download the game server program as well as any mod you have specified. Run the program and edit the parameters you want, save the changes

Put the executable anywhere you want on your computer, ideally in a folder directly at the base of a drive (like C:\ExilesServer) avoiding locations that have fancy characters or tabs in the path, or special locations like the desktop or places with special access rights. Also, ideally, the file should be in its own folder on a disk with enough space to host the unpacked SteamCMD installation and associated game server (about 2 gigabytes at the moment).) When reporting issues, please specify which version you are using. (Basically the latest version contains all the new features being added and tested, but potentially bugs, so if you just want something “that just works”, use the official version. The latest beta version: 1.6.6 (released 14 February 2023).The current official version: 1.6.4 (released 21 October 2022).